Demographic Information


Information you provide to the Employee Assistance Program(EAP) through Behavioral Healthcare Options(BHO) is confidential. BHO will not disclose the information without your written consent except as set forth below:

BHO may disclose confidential information if you express thoughts or plans of harming yourself or others, abuse or neglect of a child, dependent adult, or disabled person, or if requested by a legal authority.

BHO may disclose confidential information if it is determined that disclosure is reasonably necessary to prevent a direct threat to the health or safety of yourself or others during the performance of your job. BHO will not disclose other confidential information unless it falls within the exceptions above or you give your consent to BHO to disclose. BHO does not share personal information about your use of EAP with your employer. We may provide your employer with high level aggregated program information to help improve the customer experience, such as the percentage of employees who used EAP. We do not share data that identifies individual users with employers.

By accepting below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above statement and that I agree to proceed pursuant to the terms set forth above.

